Updates about the Greenway Lane housing site

Greenway Lane houses

Enforcement officer visit and planners consider potential changes

At the recent meeting of Buriton Parish Council there were reports of a number of complaints from residents about the development process at Greenway Lane.

Most complaints related to car parking issues when contractors’ vehicles had apparently been parking in Glebe Road which appeared to be contrary to the agreed Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP). 

The Parish Council wrote to Imperial Homes on 29th March and also alerted the SDNPA’s Enforcement Officer. A copy of the letter is attached at the foot of this web-page. The Enforcement Officer will be addressing the matters on a forthcoming visit.

Another update relates to the latest application by Imperial Homes to get agreement from the National Park’s Planning Officers for the details of hard landscaping and planting proposals. The Parish Council has considered the latest proposals in great detail and has written to the SDNPA drawing attention to a number of ongoing concerns relating to changes being proposed which differ from the Planning Permission granted in 2022. A copy of this letter is attached at the foot of this web-page.