Reports and studies have produced alarming news about the state of nature – with worrying implications for food, water, clean air and more: upon which we all depend.
Britain is becoming one of the most nature-depleted countries in the whole world – and Government reports show a loss of over half of bees, butterflies and moths over the last 50 years.
Buriton has been selected as one of only six parishes in Hampshire to help improve conditions for pollinators – and it is hoped that lots of people will want to take part.
Small creatures such as bees, butterflies, moths and beetles are vital for flowers, crops and food production. Some experts say that one in every three mouthfuls of food that we eat depends on them.
The initiative is intended to increase awareness and participation in villages – and to help connect local green spaces across Hampshire to help pollinators and other creatures.
Turning the tide could begin here!
The project offers the potential to involve the village school, St Mary’s church, local farmers, roadside verges and residential gardens as well as Parish Council land and our existing Nature Reserves.
Each part of the village could think about how their area could help: planting more native trees, building bug hotels, reducing grass mowing to allow more wildflowers – and everyone can get a buzz out of wildlife-friendly gardening!
Following presentations at Parish Council meetings, a group of volunteers has begun to explore ideas and actions. But more support, ideas and volunteers are always welcome. Please contact Petra Norris, Parish Clerk, via 07943 536065 or
There's a FACEBOOK group for Buriton's Pollinators here. Please share your ideas, projects and achievements.
There are NEWS stories on this web-page: see what's been happening and tell us more.
The Parish Council is gradually planting more and more trees in the community, with recent details available here, here and here.
And some ideas, information, tips and advice are being included in the Parish Magazine. Extracts are attached below: