Parish news, views and events.
The magazine is published in A5 format every 3 months, and a complimentary copy is delivered to every household in the parish.
Usually running to around 48 pages, it carries an eclectic mix of content including regular reports and pictures from the community's many organisations, local news and reference information, reviews of past events and details of forthcoming ones.
During the COVID-19 Coronavius pandemic an on-line version of the Magazine has also been produced (available by clicking here) although hard copy versions are still delivered to every household in the parish.
The publication is supported by Buriton Parish Council, Buriton Tennis Club and a variety of local advertisers.
Please send all contributions to Sian Griffiths via buritonmagazine@yahoo.com
Advertising & subscriptions
Andrew and Amanda Harmel-Law: buritonmagazineads@gmail.com