Goodyer Charity


A local charity, set up over 300 years ago, is still able to help local families today. 

We are all aware that times can be quite difficult financially - especially for families with clothing and equipment to buy for the new academic year every September. 

For residents of Petersfield and the Buriton area, the John Goodyer / Bishop Laney Trusts may be able to help. 

Years ago these Trusts were set up to help fund 'scholars and apprentices' to further their education or by learning a trade. 

These days the Trusts can sometimes provide small grants to assist with the purchase of items which are required by students at local schools and colleges: items which are necessary for young people and adults to flourish in their education. 

The Trusts have also helped to fund children who wish to join in school educational visits. 

The Trustees invite applications from families and individuals in need who would like to be considered for a financial grant to help meet their own (or their children's) educational / equipment/ uniform/ trips.  

For more details please contact:

Please note that currently (August 2022) we are unable to accept applications at this time.