Although the planning authority for the parish is the South Downs National Park Authority, most planning applications are considered and determined by East Hampshire District Council (EHDC).
EHDC has 'delegated powers' from the National Park Authority to make the decisions about most planning applications and so parishioners should send any comments on any planning applications in the parish to EHDC.
Parishioners may also wish to send a copy of their comments to Buriton Parish Council. The Parish Council is not, however, the planning authority for the area and it can only submit its views to EHDC for consideration alongside all others.
To find, look at and comment on any planning application in the parish please see:
You will then get the opportunity to enter a keyword, reference number, postcode or single line of an address - any of which should help you find the application that you are looking for.
When you have found the 'application summary' that you are looking for, you can look at all the detailed parts of the application by clicking on the 'Documents' tab and then on 'view associated documents'.
To make a comment on any planning application for the Planning Authority to consider (eg. to object or support an application) simply click on the 'Comments' tab and fill in all the appropriate fields.
You may wish to keep a copy of your submission for your own records - but all comments submitted will be made available online to the public.
The community has produced a Village Design Statement (VDS) which has been adopted by the Local Planning Authority and is taken into account in the consideration of planning applications in the parish. A copy can be viewed or downloaded at the bottom of this page and full details (including Appendices) can be found on the Planning Authority’s website: https://www.southdowns.gov.uk/planning/community-planning/village-design-statements/.
The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) has adopted a Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which provides further guidance to support the implementation of South Downs Local Plan policy SD5 (Design) and other design-related Local Plan policies. This sits alongside the Buriton Village Design Statement (VDS) and, whilst it should not be assumed that the general design guidance in the SDNPA’s document would override the local guidance in the VDS, applicants will want to study the contents of the National Park’s Design SPD: it can be accessed on-line here: Adopted Design Guide SPD - South Downs National Park Authority