An early challenge for the new Parish Council is some unexpected expenditure to address ash die-back in a number of trees.
The Parish Council took the wise step of getting a professional examination of trees on or near Council-owned land and although none appear to represent any imminent danger it is considered sensible to undertake some work during the current financial year and some thereafter.
With ash die-back, the costs of getting the necessary work done would become much more expensive in a few years’ time as the whole of each tree can become brittle and dangerous. Any work done will aim to allow other nearby species to flourish (with minimal overall adverse visual effects) and should be undertaken at times to minimise effects on wild-life etc.
Ash die-back is a serious disease and is spreading widely. Many trees affected will be on private land and will be the responsibility of landowners and residents.
Parishioners may wish to check the health and condition of any ash trees on their land – particularly if they could fall onto roads, footpaths, buildings or cause injury or damage.
Not all trees will necessarily be infected and it could be a shame if resistant trees are felled unnecessarily.
Symptoms and advice are available via the Woodland Trust’s website (www.woodlandtrust.org.uk) under their ‘Tree Pests & Diseases’ heading. The South Downs National Park Authority has also published some very helpful information (with links to a number of other useful websites): https://www.southdowns.gov.uk/care-for/woodland/ash-dieback-need-know/
Advice can also be obtained from the Parish Council’s Tree Warden, Matt Marriott via 07713 575398 or sequoiatreeservices@gmail.com