Climate and Nature

Repair Café at the Coffee Morning

Guests from Harting will highlight opportunities

The next in the series of coffee mornings will be held in the Village Hall from 10.30am to 12.30. Pop in for a chat, tea, coffee and cake – and more. Everybody is guaranteed a warm welcome! 

Guests from Harting’s regular Repair Cafe will be on hand to explain how they now provide a place where broken items can be taken and repaired or advice given. Their volunteers turn their hand to most things: from broken chairs to lamps and vacuum cleaners, from garden tools or children’s toys to repairing clothes. Hundreds of items have been reinvigorated.

“Cook from the book”

Cooking with Heinrich - The Green Way

Another demonstration event from Buriton’s own master Chef, Heinrich Boreniok.

The evening will highlight a number of recipes from Heinrich’s special Buriton booklet.

With tips for healthy cooking and eating well, whilst looking after the planet.

And plenty of opportunities for questions and discussions.

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“Just one small thing” for December

Ideas towards living more sustainably and saving some money

Buriton is connecting with other local groups including villages between Petersfield and Midhurst who are encouraging people to join them each month by taking a step or two towards living more sustainably, and maybe saving some money too! 

This latest instalment is suggesting that we might send fewer Christmas cards this year, by sending e-cards or phoning people instead – whilst still sending physical cards to those who will really appreciate them.

Other seasonal suggestions include:

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“Just one small thing” for November

Ideas towards living more sustainably and saving some money

Buriton is connecting with other local groups including villages between Petersfield and Midhurst who are encouraging people to join them each month by taking a step or two towards living more sustainably, and maybe saving some money too! 

This latest instalment is encouraging us to consider buying nothing new (with a few exceptions) for a whole month – and it provides a number of ideas of alternatives.

All the ‘Just one small thing’ ideas are intended to be good for our pockets and good for the planet, too!

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“Just one small thing” for October

Ideas towards living more sustainably and saving some money

Buriton is connecting with other local groups including villages between Petersfield and Midhurst who are encouraging people to join them each month by taking a step or two towards living more sustainably, and maybe saving some money too! 

This latest instalment is encouraging us to make sure that there are no draughts anywhere around our houses. 

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“Just one small thing” for September

Ideas towards living more sustainably and saving some money

Buriton is connecting with other local groups including villages between Petersfield and Midhurst who are encouraging people to join them each month by taking a step or two towards living more sustainably, and maybe saving some money too! 

This latest instalment is encouraging us to buy from Charity Shops or Secondhand – and to donate, share or lend rather than throwing away   …

All the ‘Just one small thing’ ideas are intended to be good for our pockets and good for the planet, too!

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“Just one small thing” for August

Ideas towards living more sustainably and saving some money

Buriton is connecting with other local groups including villages between Petersfield and Midhurst who are encouraging people to join them each month by taking a step or two towards living more sustainably, and maybe saving some money too! 

This latest instalment explains that we live in a ‘water stressed’ area and is encouraging us to be kind to our local rivers.

As well as using less water in our homes, we are also encouraged to:

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Buriton’s ‘Eco Church’ activities

Helping the climate, nature and the environment

St Mary’s church is playing its part in the community’s climate and nature initiatives – with a range of activities explained at the Cream Tea event on 21st July.

The overall aims are to raise awareness and understanding of St Mary’s impact on the climate and environment, to propose actions that can be taken by the church to inspire lifestyle changes among the congregation and to communicate regularly about the Eco Church activities and progress.

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“Just one small thing” for July

Ideas towards living more sustainably and saving some money

Buriton is connecting with other local groups including villages between Petersfield and Midhurst who are encouraging people to join them each month by taking a step or two towards living more sustainably, and maybe saving some money too! 

This latest instalment is encouraging us to wear some of our clothes just once more, before washing them.  It explains that not only will this save water, save energy and save money: but also the clothes will last longer!

All the ‘Just one small thing’ ideas are intended to be good for our pockets and good for the planet, too!

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How ‘green’ is your pet?

Some tips to help the environment whilst still loving your dog!

A fascinating and informative guide was produced for Buriton’s B-earth Day Village Show this year – and a copy is attached to this web-page. 

It points out that here are over 13 million dogs in the UK, living in 36% of our households. They give us a lot of happiness but we give them a lot of ‘things’ many of which are made of plastic or come in plastic packaging.