“Just one small thing” for October

check draughts

Ideas towards living more sustainably and saving some money

Buriton is connecting with other local groups including villages between Petersfield and Midhurst who are encouraging people to join them each month by taking a step or two towards living more sustainably, and maybe saving some money too! 

This latest instalment is encouraging us to make sure that there are no draughts anywhere around our houses. 

It explains that one of the cheapest ways to keep our energy use (and our energy bills) down is to be sure there are no draughts: check visually around windows or, on a windy day, check by feeling around all 4 edges of each window and door – and don't forget to check the loft hatch!  Also, ‘chimney sheep’ is not a typo: if you've got a chimney then they are worth considering…  Look them up…

Buriton householders can sign up for one of the community’s “heat loss surveys” which, with colder weather coming soon, will be restarting in the near future. Residents can find out what they can do to save money and improve their homes by seeing where houses are leaking heat. 

The Parish Council bought a thermal imaging camera some time ago and once the weather turns cold and dry it should be possible for yet more surveys to be done. There are details on this web-page and any Buriton parishioners interested in a survey should contact parish clerk Petra Norris via clerk@buriton.info or by telephoning 07943 536065.