Local Farming: Past, Present and Future

Farm Talk

Dozens of old photographs showing farming around Buriton in years gone by will be followed by a look into the future.

Until relatively recent times the population of the parish has always been mainly agricultural with most families working on the land.  Although the numbers employed in agriculture declined, farming retained its significance in village life.

As well as dairy herds, beef cattle and thousands of sheep on the downs, scores of horses were kept in the village providing the main engines of work. 

Hay-making and harvest time were significant parts of the local calendar – with the added romance of the hop-picking season when scores of visiting families camped around the village to gather in the crop so that it could be dried in huge local kilns, ready to be despatched to breweries.

Doug Jones will use scores of local photographs from the last hundred years and beyond to illustrate how farming around the village has changed and this will be followed by an up-to-date insight into new practices and priorities.

Colin Hedley, who facilitates the South Downs Farmers Group, will explain how farming is playing an increasingly important role in delivering environmental and health benefits. 

Members of this local farmers group are all motivated by a deep respect for the landscape of the South Downs – and they have a shared passion to farm in a way which delivers public benefits, including high quality, affordable food, as well as protecting resources and enhancing the natural environment and wildlife.

With these goals in mind, farming is changing yet again and Colin will describe some of the priorities, activities and achievements.

The talk will take place in Buriton Village Hall near Petersfield on Wednesday 10 April, commencing at 7.30pm.

Admission is free with a retiring collection. All are welcome.